November 11, 2018

Introducing our November Muse of the Month - Paulina Perrucci, @paulinaperrucci. Whether she's in front of the lens or behind it, Paulina is sure to make a statement. Known for her visually captivating style, this model turned photographer has over 10 years in the creative industry under her belt and a portfolio brimming with fashion and wanderlust inspiration. Paulina's multifaceted range of talents spans from wedding photography to her personal blog, where she shares her love of fashion, travel and healthy living. We caught up with this visual influencer to chat about the inspiration behind her photography, her advice for those interested in pursuing a career in blogging and her favorite style advice.

I hope you enjoy learning more about Paulina, and be sure to follow along on her adventures! XO, Crista

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An Interview with Criscara Muse, Paulina Perrucci

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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Tell us a bit about you and how you got to where you are.

I got started in this industry when I was a teenager pursuing a modeling career. While on set, I was curious about what the photographer was doing, why they chose to put a light in a certain spot, and the procedures it took to produce a photo shoot with an entire team. It took me a few years to realize my heart wanted to be behind the camera and not in front of it. As Instagram developed, so did my career being in front and behind the camera. I transitioned from shooting fashion to weddings, and in order to still feel like I’m making an impact with fashion, I decided to start my blog.

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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We love your worldly, artsy aesthetic and visually captivating style. How do you find inspiration for your photos?

I find inspiration from anything and everything. Music, dancing, movies, fellow content creators, color blocking, food (yup food), places, my emotions, etc.

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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Do you have any advice for someone who is interested in pursuing a career in blogging and/or photography?

My advice is to always stay positive. It’s not easy and it’s a lot of work. A lot of people in the industry are mean and have an opinion for everything. Brush off their jealously or criticism and use that energy to motivate yourself to do better things.

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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You've visited so many gorgeous places all over the world! How do you decide where to travel to next?

I have a never-ending list of places I want to explore, and how I pick my next destination is very random. Basically, I go where the wind takes me. Sometimes I get a thought in my head about food and think, “I wonder if it tastes better where it originated from”, then boom, I’ve booked a flight to that country! Other times I will see a movie clip and make the decision to go to that place and explore everything it has to offer! Life is a little more thrilling with spontaneity.

Life is a little more thrilling with spontaneity.

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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Do you have any favorite travel tips you can share with us?

My dad’s words of advice, “keep your head on a swivel”. I used to roll my eyes at those words, but they’re true. The world may be beautiful, but it’s dangerous. Anything can happen at any point, and you need to be careful. Of course, you must always enjoy yourself and live life, but be cautious when traveling. I’ve witnessed too many things, have heard too many stories, or sadly have had things done to me. It’s best to always travel responsibly.

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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How would you describe your personal style? Is your style at all influenced by your travels?

I’ve been told I’m “street chic”, but my style is truly based off of my emotions. One moment I’m wearing something that is so vibrantly colorful, and the next moment I’m wearing all black posing with some sort of serious expression. I am just a big kid playing dress up everyday!

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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What advice do you have for someone who wants to change up or experiment with their style?

My advice is to just go for it! Be weird, be bold, be daring, live on the edge a little with your fashion taste. Next time you’re in the mall (or if you’re an online shopper) grab something you wouldn’t normally wear. Be open minded. Your greatest accessory is confidence. If you feel good, you look good.

Your greatest accessory is confidence. If you feel good, you look good.

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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What are your favorite pieces of Criscara jewelry?

I have two personal favorites, and both have stars! First is the Shooting Star choker because it’s delicate and perfect to layer with other necklaces. Secondly, I’m obsessed with my new Starstruck hoop dusters! I’m in love with big statement earrings!

Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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What’s coming up next for you that you're most excited about?

Truthfully, I don’t have much planned right now for my blog and it feels really nice just to be home for a while. A lot of people may not know this about me, but I am a professional photographer and love shooting destination weddings. The only things I have coming up are the two weddings I will be shooting in Hawaii. Knowing my lifestyle, I’m sure I’ll squeeze in a few more trips here and there before the year ends.

 Criscara Muse | Paulina Perrucci

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Where can people learn more about you and follow along?

You can follow along my adventures here:

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Photo Credit: Paulina Perrucci


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