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October 03, 2014

We are beyond excited to have been selected as a FINALIST for the Martha Stewart American Made Award, and we would love your help to win this amazing award!

Your Vote * 6 = Lots of Love and Good Karma 

Please cast your votes and help Nearly Naked win the Martha Stewart American Made Award! 


Voting is easy, takes less than 1 minute, and every vote counts!  Click on the vote button to the right of our photos, register your account, then click vote, vote, vote, vote, vote, vote!  You can vote up to 6 times per day.  

Give us 1 minute out of your day, and we'll send you LOTS of love and good karma (plus prizes!  Did we mention that everyone who votes is entered to win some fabulous prizes from Martha Stewart, plus we have some amazing goodies for you if Nearly Naked wins!)  XOXO

Want extra love and good karma?  

Please share our profile and encourage others to vote too!  We are dying to hear Martha Stewart talking about going Nearly Naked, aren't you? :D  

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